VPL. Virtual Programming Lab
VPL is a activity module for Moodle that manage programming assignments and whose salient features are:
- Enable to edit the programs source code in the browser using an applet
- Students can run interactively programs in the browser
- You can run tests to review the programs.
- Allows searching for similarity between files.
- Allows setting editing restrictions and avoiding external text pasting.
Basic definition of a Virtual Programming Lab activity
To access other options, a basic definition must be saved first.
A Virtual Programming Lab activity must have a name and a short description which is shown in the Virtual Programming Labs List. These data are setting in the General panel.
In the Submission period panel three dates can be set:
- Visible description from.- the date from which the description of the activity is visible.
- Avaliable from.- the date from which the activity can be submitted.
- Due date .- the last date available to submit the activity.
Constraints for the submission can be set in the Submission restrictions panel:
- Maximum number of files to be submitted. You can set the file names at the "requested files" tabs.
- Submission available only by means of the restricted Code Editor. If you set this option, you can't upload files or paste text from outside the code editor.
- Maximum upload file size.
- Password to access and submit the activity. If you set a password the system will ask the password to access the activity.
- Nets from which the submission is permited.
Also common options, such as the grading scale and groups, can be setting in this page.